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Degree Name Thesis/Dissertation Graduation Year
MS WRPM Idris, Hussam

The role of international water treaties in mitigating the transboundary negative environmental and social impacts of dams

MS WRPM Kakhramonov, Vokhidjon

Does the Source of the Conflict Impact the Effectiveness of River Basin Organizations?

MS WRPM Mathieu, Laura

Bonds Across Divides: Track III Diplomacy in Environmental Peacebuilding Projects A case study of EcoPeace Middle East in the Jordan Basin

PhD WRS Ortega Melendez, Jaime

Drivers of Relative Streamflow Contributions in Mountainous Headwater Streams

MS WRPM Tekuya, Mahemud 2024
PhD WRS Windoloski, Sara

The Thermal Response of Small Streams to Atmospheric Heat Waves in the Oregon Coast Range

MS WRPM Adkhamov, Utkir

What are the Roles of International Water Organizations in Climate Change Adaptation?

MS WRS Anderson, Dean 2023
PhD WRE Becker, Paige

"Scaling up hyporheic exchange processes and finding the intermediate sweet spot."


MS WRS Butler, Zachariah 2023
MS WRS Dairova, Zhamilia

Linkages Between Domestic Water Politics and Foreign Water Policy in Kyrgyzstan

MS WRPM Duffy, Laura

Engaging Agricultural Landowners in Fish Habitat Restoration on Private Land: The Role of Trust in a ‘Tough’ Case

MS WRPM Faqiryar, Jalal Naser

The Role of Power Asymmetry in Promoting Conflict and Cooperation Over Transboundary Water 

MS WRPM Field, Zachary 2023
MS WRPM Idawo, Shalet 2023
MS WRS Iglesias Thome, Maria Jose

Exploring Vulnerability and Scarcity of Groundwater Resources in Quintana Roo, Mexico

MS WRE Jimmie, Jordan

Understanding Aquifer Water Retention Dynamics Using Head Relaxation Time

MS WRS Lanphier, Kari

Classifying Low Streamflow Parameters in Coastal Southeast Alaska using Game Cameras and Random Forest Models

MS WRPM Murwan Hamid Alrasheed, Selma 2023
MS WRE Tutka, Michal

Large Wood Hydraulics: Using Structure-from-Motion to Estimate Flow Depths

MS WRPM Voisinet, Ashley

Water and Sanitation Access Barriers in Corvallis, Oregon Homeless Populations

MS WRS Wang, Lena

Identifying Controls on Soil Organic Carbon and Chemical Weathering Dynamics in a Montane Ecosystem (Crested Butte, CO)

MS WRS Whidden, Ian

Forest canopy effects on snow depth and density of seasonal and transient mountain snowpack in a maritime snow climate

MS WRS Wright, Charles

Effects of Forest Harvest, Floods, and Wildfire on Bedload Export from Headwater Catchments in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, 1957-2022

MS WRE Yuksel, Mehmet

Hydraulic Conductivity Changing of Hemp Stems Under Water Stress Conditions

MS WRS, PhD WRS Durfee, Nicole

Doctoral Thesis: Ecohydrologic Connections of Rangeland Ecosystems in Central and Eastern Oregon, USA

Masters Thesis: Ecohydrologic Connections in Semiarid Rangeland Ecosystems in Oregon

Carlos Ochoa - Department of Animal and Rangeland Sciences advised Nicole.

2022 & 2019
MS WRE Alagaidi, Nuha

Alder Creek Culvert Replacement and Fish Passage

MS WRS Andrew, Alyssa

Lamb growth and pasture production in agrivoltaic production system

MS WRS Carini, Lya

Stream Chemistry in the Oregon Coast Range: Spatial and Temporal Variation

MS WRPM Dzhakshylykova, Mira

Role of the “Blue Paradiplomacy” in Cooperation over Transboundary Water Management

MS WRE Ellingson, Joe

Preventing the Accumulation of Fine Sediments in Sand Dam Reservoirs: An Analytical Framework and Flume Experiments

PhD WRS Finkenbiner, Catherine

Advancing the Understanding and Representation of Ecohydrological Processes using Tracer-enabled Modeling Approaches


MS WRS Goldrich-Middaugh, Grace

A new lens on historical data: Machine learning approaches for analyzing regional stream water chemistry

MS WRS Gomez, Daniel

Surface Water - Groundwater Interactions in Clayey Pasture fields in the WIllamette Valley

MS WRE Herrmann, Joan 2022
MS WRPM Kaskina, Dina

Agreeing to Nothing? Exploring the Role of Ambiguity in International Water Treaties

MS WRPM Shaver, Josiah

Scoring Water Stewardship at Academic Institutions: A Water Resources Management Scoring Framework for Future Sustainability, Resilience and Innovation

PhD WRE Urycki, Dawn

River Microbiome Composition Reflects Macroscale Climatic and Geomorphic Differences in Headwater Streams


MS WRE Cromer, Leah

Temporal and Spatial Variability of Channel Adjustment to Floods in a 5th order Forested Mountain Stream

MS WRE Hale, Abigail

Feasibility of Thermal Restoration by Groundwater Additions in the Middle Fork John Day

MS WRPM Keith, Theresa

Academic Discourse(s) and Practitioner Perspectives: Gendered Climate Adaptation Strategies for Water Resources

PhD WRE Li, Bonan

The Evaluation of the Additive Information Contained in New Ecohydrological Measurements

MS WRPM Loodin, Najibullah

The Role of Islam in Water Resources Management: Could it be Integrated into International Water Law Principles (IWLP) for the Islamic-dominated States?

PhD WRS Pazdral, Rosemary

Factors influencing streamflow generation processes in rain-dominated, coastal watersheds in Oregon.

PhD WRE Proctor, Kyle

Development of a Statistical Emulator of US Crop Yields via a Deep Neural Network Approach

MS WRPM Ruzmatova, Zarina

Norm Entrepreneurs in water cooperation? The role of International Actors in promoting the International water law principles in Central Asia

MS WRS Serchan, Satish

Evidence of Buried Particulate Organic Carbon as Foundation for Heterotrophic Carbon Metabolism in the Hyporheic Zone of a Montane Headwater Stream in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon, USA

PhD WRS Wissler, Austin

Assessing the Thermal Sensitivity and Stormflow Response of Headwater Stream Temperatures: A Seasonal and Event-scale Exploration in Northern California, USA

PhD WRE Al-Agele, Hadi 2020
PhD WRE Al-Oqaili, Firas

Quantifying the unproductive water lost as evaporation from different irrigation designs by analysis of the soil stable water isotope composition.

MS WRS Artruc, Tessa

Numerical Modeling of Lateral Erosion during Reservoir Drawdown

MS WRPM Arynova, Aigul

The Role of Emotional Narratives in Fostering Water Nationalism. The Case of the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) in Turkey.

MS WRPM Davis, Kari

Drinking water access through a transdiciplinary Lens

MS WRS Goodman, Arianna

Long-Term Stream Channel Response to a Large Flood in a Forested Mountain Watershed

MS WRS Graham, Maggie

Pollinator-Focused Solar: Observations of Plant-Pollinator Interactions in the Agrivoltaic Understory

PhD WRE Haagsma, Marja

Hyperspectral Disease Detection - Strategies Addressing Time, Space, Machine Learning, and Plant Susceptibility

MS WRPM Hwang , Sue Kyung

Alarming for Nothing?: A Geographic and Sentiment Analysis of Water Securitization in Academic Research

MS WRPM Ismoilov , Botir

The Role of International Donors In Water Diplomacy. Case Study of the Aral Sea Basin

MS WRS, PhD WRS Jachens, Elizabeth 2020
MS WRE Kahsai, Simon 2020
MS WRPM Offutt, Alyssa 2020
MS WRPM Porta, Lynn

Cross-cultural and Sustainability Values in International Freshwater Management Institutions

MS WRPM Rasooly, Nawid

Water Governance in Afghanistan

MS WRPM Rosenblum, Zoe

Transboundary Wetlands: Exploring Formal Mechanisms for Cooperation

MS WRPM Sharipova, Botagoz 2020
MS WRPM Taganova, Jahan 2020
MS WRPM Yigit, Abdullah 2020
MS WRPM Best, Jaclyn

(In)visible women: Representation and Conceptualization of Gender in Water Governance and Management

MS WRS Boylan, Nora

Assessing the Link between Large Wood Restoration and Groundwater Storage & Recharge

MS WRS Cargill, Samantha

The Influence of Lithology on Stream Metabolism in Mountain Systems

MS WRPM Chemayeva, Nataliya

Effectiveness of RBO's

PhD WRS Crumley, Ryan 2019
MS WRPM Fostvedt, Matthias 2019
PhD WRS Gibson, Maria 2019
MS WRPM Henkels, Max 2019
PhD WRE Mahadwar, Gouri 2019
MS WRPM Marshall, Laura 2019
MS WRPM Osmonova, Nargiza

Water Governance in Afghanistan

MS WRE Rask, Julia 2019
PhD WRE Richardson, Will 2019
MS WRPM Steritz, Melissa 2019
MS WRPM Chalmers, Doug

Low impact development in the Ash Creek watershed, Oregon: feasibility study and implementation tool design.

MS WRS Cole, Ryan

Post-fire forest management activities alter soil properties, sediment yields and vegetation recovery in the northern California cost range

MS WRS Feiten, Nicole

Aquatic ecology in coastal riverscapes: characterizing estuary fish assemblages and stream chemistry over time.

MS WRS Gombert, Carolyn

Characterization of thermal regimes of side channels, alcoves, and ponds on the Willamette River, Oregon.

MS WRPM Grandy, Trevor

Saving Darlingtonia: pumping pollution, public participation and perceived impacts to a carnivorous pitcher plant.

PhD WRS Guerrero-Bolano , Francisco

Bio-geochemical Signals of Watersheds Response to Disturbance.

PhD WRE HassanPour, Elnaz

How does renewable energy change water use in agriculture?  Environmental impacts of renewable energy (solar and wind) on Water, Food and Energy Nexus 

MS WRS Hu, Michelle 2018
MS WRS Kupillas, Malia 2018
MS WRPM Losordo, Malia

Climate change and environmental justice in Oregon.

MS WRPM Mondo, Holly

A look beneath the surface: developing a transboundary groundwater governance framework and agreement for the Memphis Sand Aquifer.

MS WRE Nash, Caroline

Construction, Degredation and Restoration of Wet Meadow Ecosystems in Semi-arid Landscapes, Northern Great Basin, USA.

MS WRS Rutila, Elizabeth "Beth"

Geochemical fingerprinting of non-ferrous smetting emissions within lake sediments.

MS WRE Snyder, Amelia

Optimizing Placement of Weather Stations: Defining and Testing a Meaningful Objective for Multi-Variable Weather Monitoring Networks.

PhD WRS Stratton, Laurel 2018
MS WRE Talsma, Carl 2018
MS WRE Yeager, Amelia

Salmon habitat restoration using large wood: linking geomorphic change and restoration effectiveness.

MS WRS, PhD WRS Steadman, Casey

Leveraging the Food-Energy-Water Nexus for Planet Resilience (2022)

Natural Variability of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in a Forested Headwater Stream System in the Oregon Coast Range (2017)

2017 & 2022
MS WRE Grohman, Travis

Proposal of an automated workflow for appropriate tile drainage simulation in denitrifying bioreactor planning and design.

MS WRPM Hepperly, Jody

Standing in the Way of Control : Small Farmers, Water Use, and Technology Adoption in Oregon.

MS WRE Hernandez-Alvarez, Davis

The effects of beaver dam analogs on shallow water table elevations.

MS WRS, MS WRPM Jones, Ingria

Characterizing adaptive governance capacity: A case study of the Willamette River Basin

MS WRS Richardson, Kris

Role of Extreme Events on Sedimentation in Loon Lake, Oregon Coast Range, USA

MS WRPM Satein, Hannah

Fighting to Cooperate: Litigation, Collaboration, and Water Management in the Upper Deschutes River Basin

MS WRPM Splichalova, Dacotah

Navigating Cultural Currents: The Sixaola River Basin Story

MS WRPM Taha, Fatima

Globalization of Water Resources: Examining Social Learning Using Serious Gaming

MS WRPM Welch, Christina

What Lies Below: Options to Improve Sustainable Management of U.S./Mexico Transboundary Aquifers

MS WRPM Woge, Tsion

Indigenous Approaches to Water Conflict Management: the Anuak and their Approaches to Water Conflict Management

MS WRE Bair, Russell

"Modeling Large Wood Impacts on Stream Hydrodynamics and Juvenile Salmon Habitat"

PhD WRE Beamer, Jordan

"From Headwaters to Oceans: Regional Scale Modeling of Climate, Cryosphere, and Freshwater Discharge in Changing Coastal Mountain Environments"

MS WRPM Boisjolie, Brett

"Policy patterns across riverscapes: Riparian land standards in the Oregon Coast Range"

MS WRPM Detwiler, Stacey

"Rivers and Roads: Exploring How Environmental Governance Impacts State Management of Forest Roads"

MS WRE Elliott, Susan

"Physical Modeling of the Feedbacks Between a Reed Canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) Patch, Hydraulics, and Bedform Evolution"

MS WRE Harpham, Kelsey

"Taming the Tumalo: a Damned Dam Repurposed for Recharge"

MS WRE Katz, Scott

“Sediment Transport Modeling and Implications for Benthic Primary Producers in Oak Cree, OR”

MS WRE Kemper, Joseph

"Groundwater Flooding and Guerilla Trenches: a Participatory Approach for Flood Control"

MS WRPM Malyar, Idrees

"Transboundary Water Resources Institutions; and Perceived Risks of Cooperation in Emerging Governments: (Ensuring Future Water Security of Afghanistan)"

MS WRS McCarthy, Alexander

"Modeling the Effects of Layered Differences in Hydraulic Conductivity of Groundwater: An Estimation of Residence Time for Solute Transport"

MS WRS Nickolas, Lydia 2016
MS WRE Predosa, Robert

"Lasers in the Sky: Distributed Temperature Sensing and a Micro-Meteorological Approach to Quantifying Evapotranspiration"

MS WRPM Timboe, Ingrid

"Assessing the Current State of Transboundary Freshwater Cooperation in the International Columbia River Basin"

MS WRS Cooper, Matt 2015
MS WRS Cooper, Matthew

Modeling Elevation-Dependent Snow Sensitivity to Climate Warming in the Data Sparse Eastern Oregon Cascades

MS WRE Garrison, Stacey

"Determination of trade-offs among wetland ecosystem services in an agricultural landscape."

PhD WRE Gryczkowski, Landon

"Surface Water and Groundwater Interactions in the Walla Walla River, Northeast Oregon, USA: A Multi-Method Field-Based Approach"

MS WRE Hall, Austin

“Drop it like it’s hot: Combining DTS and Temperature Modeling to Evaluate Stream Restoration on the Middle Fork of the John Day River"

MS WRE Kemp, Erica

"Sediment Transport Prototypes : Novel Methods to Disconnect Forest Roads from Streams"

MS WRE Kollen, Jacob

Experiences in implementing the White Method : estimating evapotranspiration using fluctuations of water table elevation

PhD WRE Lee, Baek Soo "Peggy"

Hydrologic and Land Cover Effects on Sources and Fate of In-Stream Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter

MS WRE Livingston, Grant

"Bioretention Establishment Hydrologic Characterization"

PhD WRE Mateus, Cris

"Water scarcity and reservoir reliability in basins affected by climate and land use change: Impacts of hydrogeology, senstitives, and uncertanties in the Santiam River Basin, Oregon"

MS WRE Mills, Alexis

Exploring the Impacts of Climate and Management on Coastal Community Vulnerability through Alternative Future Scenarios

MS WRPM Morrison, Elizabeth "Libby"

"Politics, policies, and people: Identifying Barriers to Enhancement Reclamation of Floodplain Aggregate Pits in the Willamette Valley, OR"

PhD WRE Mosier, Thomas

Characterizing Linkages Between the Climate, Cryosphere, and Impacts on Run-of-River Hydropower in Data-Sparse Mountain Environments

MS WRS Pace, Kylie

"Sediment Pulse Behavior in Gravel-bedded Rivers"

MS WRE Stanton, Alan

"Assessing the impact of storm regime on remotely-sensed precipitation extremes across the western Himalaya"

MS WRE Tai, Leah

"Make it Rain : A Lagrangian Approach to Investigate Land Surface Controls on Moisture Recycling in the Columbia River Basin"

MS WRE Viducich, Jon

"Spillway Staging and Selective Sediment Deposition in Sand Storage Dams"

MS WRS Wentworth, Andrew

Flow-Solute : A Tool for Exploring the Effects of Nitrogen Management in Alternative Future Scenarios

PhD WRE Abou-Rached, Carole

Microbial fuel cell for wastewater treatment: heavy metal removal, sewage sludge treatement, and its potential application in wastewater reuse in irrigation

PhD WRE Arras, Tracy

A GIS approach to estimating continuous hydraulic conductivity and equivalent hydraulic conductivity

MS WRPM Carson, Andrea

"Investments in people and technology : public participation in the remediation of Dian Lake in Yunnan, China"

MS WRS Corson-Rikert, Hayley

Carbon dynamics in the hyporheic zone of a headwater mountain stream in the Cascade Mountains, Oregon

MS WRPM Dengel, Jeff

"Reviving Whychus: Averting Collisions Between the Endangered Species Act and Agricultural Water Use through Proactive Streamflow Restoration"

PhD WRS Diabat, Mousa 2014
PhD WRE DiFrancesco, Kara

Development and application of climate risk assessment methods for flood management systems - a study of flexibility, adaptive capacity, and robustenss

MS WRE Dosch, Nicholas

Spatiotemporal dynamics and drivers of stream pCO2 in a headwater mountain catchment in the Cascade Mountains, Oregon

MS WRPM Foley, Kelly

Examining the voluntary adoption of agricultural conservation practices in northern Malheur County, Oregon

MS WRS Hammond, John

Trends in Streamflow Above and Below Dams Across the Columbia River Basin from 1950 to 2012: Assessing Sub-basin Sensitivity

PhD WRE Jackson, Tracie

Lateral cavities in streams: flow structure and mean residence times from channel hydraulics, morphology, and computational fluid dynamics

MS WRS Jennings, Keith

Precipitation-snowmelt timing and snowmelt augmentation of large peak flow events, wester Cascades, Oregon

MS WRE L'Hommedieu, William

Depth-dependent effects of an engineered log jam on simulated flow structure and complexity

MS WRE Miller, Rebecca

Influence of log truck traffic and road hydrology on sediment yield in western Oregon

MS WRPM Oravec, Timothy

Municipal sewerage sysetm resilience: disturbances and management strategies in Cook County, IL.

MS WRE Ring, Theresa

A comparison of modeling schemes for mapping daily evapotranspiration at high resolution using remote sensing.

MS WRPM Tanner, Andrew

Surface water variation and water storage potential in Upper Klamath Basin, 2000-2012

MS WRE Bruhis, Noa

Estimating Freshwater Fluxes into the Gulf of Alaska

MS WRS Burns, Patrick

Measuring Glacier Change and Modeling the Effect on Water Resources in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru

MS WRS Coons, Lexi

Seeing the Snow Through The Trees:  Towards a Validated Canopy Adjustment for Satellite Fractional Snow Covered Area

MS WRE Danner, Allison

Will we need to change the rules: asessing the implications of climate change for dam operations in Oregon's McKenzie River Basin

MS WRPM Dennis, Lauren

Bridge over troubled water: Partnership and the prospects for adaptive capacity among Oregon Coast water systems

PhD WRE Gonzalez-Pinzon, Ricardo

Integrating solute transport, metabolism and processing in stream ecosystems

MS WRE Hall, Lisa

The geoelectrical signature of mass transfer

MS WRE Kalyan, Imtiaz-Ali

Identifying “At-risk” Regions of Snow Accumulation within California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains, and Assessing Implications on Reservoir Operations

MS WRPM Lewis, Maria

Water, Energy, and Ecosystem Services: A Study of Businesses in oregon's Willamette Valley

MS WRS LovellFord, Rachel

Variation in the timing of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) migration and spawning relative to river discharge and temperature.

MS WRPM Moran, Kate

The role of policy and collaboration in decommissioning exempt water wells in Washington state

MS WRS Morrow, Perry

Biochar: Saturated hydraulic conductivity and methylene blue sorption characteristics as applied to storm water treatment.

MS WRS Owens, Hazel

Relationships Between Stream Discharge and Cutthroat Trout Adundance at Multiple Scales in Managed Headwater Basins in Western Oregon

PhD WRS Pangle, Luke

Ecohydrological mediation of water budget partitioning and time scales of subsurface flow in a seasonally semi-arid grassland

MS WRE Ridwan, Denni

Analysis of best management practices in the Columbia River Channel Improvement Project (CRCIP)

MS WRPM Selko, Tucker

Values, beliefs and norms pertaining to mulching behaviors: implications for plasticulture in sustainable farming.

MS WRE, PhD WRE Stewart, Ryan

MS WRE - Infiltration and Temperature Characterization of a Wastewater Hyporheic Discharge System

PhD WRE - Characterization of hydrologic parameters and processes in shrink-swell clay soils

MS WRPM Whitman, Cally

Identification of economic, social and policy factors influencing irrigation district participation in water transactions in the Deschutes Basin.

MS WRS Wyland, Sara

Development of Baseline Data on Oregon's High Desert Vernal Pools

MS WRE Allen, Scott

Trickle-down ecohydrology : complexity of rainfall interception and net precipitation under forest canopies

MS WRE Bailey, Daniel

Towards Autonomous Irrigation: Comparison of Two Moisture Sensing Technologies, Irrigation Distribution Analysis, and Wireless Network Performance at an Ornamental Container Nursery

MS WRS Coleman, Anthony

Shallow aquifer storage and recovery (SASR): Regional management of underground water storage in hydraulically connected aquifer-stream systems

MS WRS Crowell, Morgan

An Ecosystem Service Approach to Inform Reactive Nitrogen Management, Lower Yakima River Basin, WA

MS WRS Doniger, Alison

Establishing Irrigation Criteria for Cultivation of Veratrum californicum

MS WRPM Ingman, Mark

The Role of Plastic Mulch as a Water Conservation Practice for Desert Oasis Communities of Northern China

Published at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1890/EHS14-0018.1/pdf

MS WRS Jordan, Michelle

Hydraulic predictors and seasonal distribution of Manayunkia speciosa density in the Klamath River, CA, with implications for ceratomyxosis, a disease of salmon and trout.

MS WRE Kunkel, Chris

A  Comparison of Pedotransfer Functions in ROSETTA and the Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model

PhD WRE Marshall, Sarah

The Effects of Land Use on Mineral Flat Wetland Hydrologic Processes in Lowland Agricultural Catchments

MS WRS Neumann, Phil

Shallow aquifer storage and recovery (SASR): Regional management of underground water storage in hydraulically connected aquifer-stream systems

MS WRPM Ogren, Kim

An investigation and analysis of the incentives and disincentives for conflict prevention and mitigation in the Bureau of Reclamation's water management

MS WRE O’Donnell, Tara

Evaluating stream temperature spatial patterns with Distributed Temperature Sensing

PhD WRE Petrides, Aristides

Managed artificial aquifer recharge and hydrological studies in the Walla Walla Basin to improve river and aquifer conditions

PhD WRE Sayde, Chadi

Improving Soil Water Determination in Spatially Variable Field Using Fiber Optic Technology and Bayesian Decision Theory

MS WRE Scherberg, Jacob

Development of a Numerical Model for the Walla Walla Basin using IWFM (Groundwater-surface water modeling of the Walla Walla Basin Using IWFM)

PhD WRS Sproles, Eric

Climate change impacts on mountain snowpack presented in a knowledge to action framework

MS WRPM Watson, Julile Elkins

A River Loved: Facilitating Cooperative Negotiation of Transboundary Water Resource Management in the Columbia River Basin through Documentary Film (MS)


MS WRE, PhD WRE Roth, Travis


Headwater Stream Characterization:  An Energy and Physical Approach to Stream Temperature Dynamics Using DTS (2011)

2011 and 2018
MS WRE Arik, Aida

A Study of Stream Temperature Using Distributed Temperature Sensing Fiber Optics Technology in Big Boulder Creek, a Tributary to the Middle Fork John Day River in Eastern Oregon

MS WRPM Burright Paulsen, Harmony

Beyond random acts of conservation : an institutional analysis of the Natural Resource Conservation Service's Agricultural Water Enhancement Program

MS WRPM Foster-Moore, Eric

A topography of dams in China : impacts to agriculture, labor, and migration

MS WRE Frueh, Walter (Terry)

Sediment Reservoir Dynamics on Steepland Valley Floors: Influence of Network Structure and Effects of Inherited Ages

MS WRE Gabrielli, Christopher

The role of bedrock groundwater in rainfall-runoff response at hillslope and catchment scales

MS WRPM Harewood, Alessandra "Greer"

The Social Construction of the Metallic Mining Industry: The Divergent Cases of the Mining Moratorium Bill (Wisconsin) and the Permit Streamlining Bill (Minnesota).

MS WRS Holderman, Jennifer

Little green baby steps : transforming modern power production through microscale hydropower

MS WRS Jones, Lesley

Evaluation of instream flow restoration targets and the carrying capacity of Oncorhynchus mykiss according to temperature, Whychus Creek, Deschutes Basin, Oregon

PhD WRE Kibler, Kelly

Development & Decommissioning of Small Dams: Analysis of Impacts & Content

PhD WRE Kraft, Erika

Quantitative, multi-spectral, light-transmission imaging of colloid transport in porous media at the meso scale

MS WRS Miles, Evan

A GIS study of Benton County, Oregon, groundwater : spatial distributions of selected hydrogeologic parameters

MS WRPM O'Connor, Katrina

Values and Beliefs that Lead to Watershed Volunteerism

MS WRPM Rancier, Racquel

Assessing Tribal Water Rights Settlements as a Means for Resolving Disputes Over Instream Flow Claims: A Comparative Case Approach

MS WRS Squeochs, Graysen

Heat fluxes in the hyporheic zone of a gravel bar on the Willamette River, Oregon

MS WRPM Thomas, Kelley

An analysis of the prerequisites for landowner participation in conservation oriented programs in the Wood River Valley, Oregon

PhD WRS Zarnetske, Jay

Hydrological and biogeochemical dynamics of nitrate production and removal at the stream – ground water interface

MS WRE Zunka, John (Jack)

Dam Removal and Downstream Bar-Pool Morphology

MS WRS Andersen, Eric

A Bayesian network for prioritizing restoration of aquatic connectivity

MS WRPM Brown, Abigail

Empowerment and Gender Equality for Water and Sanitation in Rural India: Two Case Studies

MS WRPM Brown, Bridget

Assessing water governance capacity in MENA : applying an institutional document analysis to Jordan

PhD WRE Czarnomski, Nicole

Influence of Vegetation Density on Streambank Hydraulics and Erosion

MS WRE El-Khoury, Laureine

Modeling the Uncertainties in Evapo-transpiration Estimates

PhD WRS, MS WRS Frentress, Jay

Stream DOC, nitrate, chloride and SUVA response to land use during winter baseflow conditions in sub-basins of the Willamette River Basin, OR

MS WRE Gregory, Chris

Temperature and Infiltration Characterization of a Constructed Wetland for Wastewater Treatment

MS WRS Logan, Michael

Water chemistry of Oregon Cascade wilderness lakes : a comparison to 1985 data

MS WRPM Moscowitz, Laura

The Community Well Water Testing Program: Volunteer Groundwater Nitrate Monitoring in the Southern Willamette Valley of Oregon

MS WRE Owens, Joshua

Basin-wide Distributed Modeling of Hydrologic Responses to Irrigation Management in the Wood River Basin, Klamath County, OR

MS WRPM Pak, Mariya

Assessing water governance capacity in the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Albuquerque Area Office

MS WRE Puhn, Kenneth

Construction of 2D Hydraulic Models of the Bonneville Dam Site, Calapooia River, OR

MS WRE Copeland, Elizabeth

Recent Periglacial Debris Flows from Mt. Rainier, WA

MS WRPM DuBose, Karen

Water Reuse in Corvallis: Modeling Public Acceptance and a Plan for Public Involvement

MS WRPM Edwards, Paris

An Assessment of Knowledge and Awareness of Nitrate Groundwater Pollution in the Southern Willamette Valley

MS WRPM Elston, Denise

Characterizing community impacts of small dam removal : a case study of the Brownsville Dam

MS WRE Huff (Gabrielli), Julie

Monitoring River Restoration using Fiber Optic Temperature Measurements in a Modeling Framework

MS WRPM Lin, Elina

Water's Role in a Sense of Place in the Nu River Valley China

MS WRE Murphy, Yarrow

Stream Channel Stability and Sensitivity to Landscape History and Land Use Changes

MS WRPM Sano, Yoshiko

Water management decentralization in rural Honduras

MS WRPM Sowles, Marisa

Western Oregon Cities and Low Impact Development in Stormwater Management

MS WRPM Tabor, Brock

Issues and Influence on Coastal Management in Alaska: A Stockholder Analysis

MS WRE Walter, Cara

Evaluating downstream channel changes in response to a small dam removal on the Calapooia River, Oregon with respect to measurement errors and prior aerial photo observed changes

MS WRS (Burkholder) Heitkamp, Barbara

Influence of hyporheic flow and geomorphology on temperature of a large, gravel-bed river, Clackamas River, Oregon, USA

MS WRE Collier, Michael

Use of Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing to Differentiate Cold Water Refuge between Groundwater Inflows and Hyporheic Exchange

PhD WRS Graham, Christopher

 A macroscale measurement and modeling approach to improve understanding of the hydrology of steep, forested hillslopes

MS WRPM Green (Odom), Elizabeth

Institutional capacity building through land and water stewardship integration- an analysis of source water protection in Corvallis, Oregon

MS WRPM Hatch, Jason

An exploratory study of the social factors of small dam removal : Chiloquin Dam at Sprague River Mile 0.87, Oregon

MS WRE Khan, Habib

The use of Growing Degree Days (GDD) for development of GDD-based crop coefficient curve for estimating the timing of crop water requirements

MS WRPM Lieberherr, Eva

Acceptability of market-based approaches to water management : an analysis of the Deschutes Groundwater Mitigation Program

MS WRPM McNally, Amy

A collaborative potential assessment of project atmospheric brown clouds

MS WRS Phillippe, Jeffrey

Present-day and future contributions of glacier melt to the Upper Middle Fork Hood River : implications for water management

PhD WRE Porter, Mark

Investigating Capillary Pressure and Interfacial Area for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media using Pore-scale Imaging and Lattice-Boltzmann Modeling

MS WRS Rasmussen, Janet

Reactive polyphenols and dissolved nutrients in a nitrogen-limited headwater catchment, western Cascades, Oregon, USA

MS WRE Shakya, Suva

Use of MIKE SHE for estimation of evapotranspiration in the Sprague River Basin

MS WRE Callery, David

On the Prediction of Surface Saturation using Topographic Indices

MS WRPM Hubbard, Monica

Analysis of the Oregon Stakeholder Drug Take Back Public Policy Process to Reduce Pharmaceutical Pollution in Oregon’s Water Resources

MS WRPM Mutti-Driscoll, Glenn

Temporal and spatial variability of groundwater nitrate in the southern Willamette Valley of Oregon

MS WRE, MS WRPM Parker, Laila

WRE - Observations of Gas Flow in Porous Media using the Light Transmission Technique

WRPM - Non-thesis option:Implementation of a Volunteer-based Groundwater Monitoring Program in the Southern Willamette Valley, Oregon

MS WRE Besaw, Ian

Statistical Analysis of Multiple Precipitation and SWMM-Generated Runoff Data Sets

PhD WRE Rupp, David

On the Use of Recession Slope Analysis and the Boussinesq Equation for Interpreting Hydrographs and Characterizing Aquifers

MS WRE Stoeckinger, Andrew

Zeolite Packed Biofilter to Reduce Odorous Emissions from a Confined Swine Building

MS WRE Vick, Christopher

Chemical and Isotopic Sourcing of Nitrate Contamination in the Southern Willamette Valley, Oregon

PhD WRS Aronggear, Emri


MS WRPM Altingoz, Mehmet

Investigating Management of Transboundary Basins between Sovereign Countries and Non-Sovereign Entities