Water-related courses at OSU are taught in many different departments and students are encouraged to participate in classes outside of their home program.
The best way to learn about course offerings is to look at the core curriculum for the Water Resources Graduate Program or to search the OSU Online Catalog and Schedule of Classes.
The links below run prepared searches of the course catalog that highlight the water-related course offerings at OSU.
Applied Economics (AEC) | Atmospheric Science (ATS) | Biological and Ecological Engineering (BEE) |
Botany (BOT) | Chemistry (CH) |
Civil Engineering (CE)
(search also returns some traffic courses that have the word "flow" in them) |
Crop and Soil Science (CSS) | Environmental Engineering (ENVE) |
Fisheries and Wildlife (FW)
(search also returns a few aquaculture classes) |
Forest Engineering (FE) | Forest Resources (FOR) | Forest Science (FS) |
Geosciences (GEO) | Marine Resource Management (MRM) |
Mechanical Engineering (ME)
(search also returns a few combustion and gas classes) |
Public Health (H) | Rangeland Ecology and Management (RNG) |
Oceanography (OC)
(search also returns a few petrology classes) |
Toxicology (TOX) | Water Resources Engineering (WRE) | Water Resources Policy and Management (WRP) |
Water Resources Science (WRS) |