The bumper sticker is true. Everyone lives downstream. Take the Colorado River as an example, which runs not only through Colorado, but portions of Wyoming, Nevada, Arizona, California, Utah, and New Mexico. It also flows to Baja California and Sonora in Mexico. So how do we share a resource like water?
With policy and management professionals that specialize in water resources!
Water Resources Policy and Management (WRPM) students who enroll in this degree program will be trained to undertake careers in managing water resources and in guiding or making water resource policy decisions.
Students enrolled in this degree program will be broadly trained to undertake careers in managing water resources and in guiding or making water resource policy decisions. Graduates will be trained in public administration, policy theory, and will have practical experience in the professional arena, either through internships conducted as part of the degree program or (in some cases) through previous work experience. Graduates of the WRPM program will be able to conduct thorough policy analysis of water resource-related issues that can help inform policy decisions in the public and private sector. Students should have a B.S. or B.A. degree from an accredited institution emphasizing natural resources, management, or policy, with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (4.0 scale), and satisfactory GRE scores (determined by the Water Resources curriculum committee).
In addition to the Water Resources Program core courses (6 credits), students in the WRPM degree program will be required to take 9 credits of methods and numerical skills courses, 6 credits of basic water science courses, 15 credits of policy and management courses, and 9 credits of project or thesis preparation. The program is designed to accommodate student's individual areas of interest and each will work with an advisor to tailor an appropriate program.
Graduates will be trained in public administration, policy theory, and will have practical experience in the professional arena, either through internships conducted as part of the degree program or (in some cases) through previous work experience.
Graduates of the WRPM program will be able to conduct thorough policy analysis of water resource-related issues that can help inform policy decisions in the public and private sector.
In addition to the Water Resources Program core courses (6 credits), students in the WRPM degree program will be required to take 9 credits of methods and numerical skills courses, 6 credits of basic water science courses, 15 credits of policy and management courses, and 9 credits of project or thesis preparation. The program is designed to accommodate student's individual areas of interest and each will work with an advisor to tailor an appropriate program.
Examples of courses students can use to complete their program are listed in the List of Suggested Courses.
This list is by no means exhaustive. Therefore, discuss your course pathway with your major advisor upon being accepted to the University to plan your future!
For more information please visit the Student Resources page for Handbooks, Check Lists and Forms.